Strike Force


Over the years, we have worked with many organizations.  Below, we have tried to put together a list of them, when we participated in an event that benefited them, and a brief description of the event and organization.  Please bear with us as this is updated.  We are going through our records to ensure the most accurate information is provided. 

This was an event for pictures were taken.

American Cancer Society's "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk (2005-2017) - The American Cancer Society hosts this non-competitive walk to raise awareness and funds to fight Breast Cancer.  This is typically a 5K walk and is held in cities all across the countries.  This inspiring event unites communities to honor and celebrate breast cancer survivors, educate women about the importance of early detection and prevention, and to raise money to fund life saving research and support programs to further the progress against this disease.  We have raised in cash and donations over $15,000 for this event since 2005.




Camp Hospitality (2011-12) - This event brings Middle School children to a live working hotel.  It gives them a chance to have a behind the scenes look at the inner working of a hotel while participating in various events throughout their discovery process.  In addition to a tour of the hotel, the children also participated in a scavenger hunt and towel folding class.  The purpose is to educate young people about future career possibilities.  In 2011, we hosted a class of about 26.  In 2012, we decided to get more involved in the shaping of a child's mind by hosting two classes with a total of about 65 kids.

Heat Contest (2009 and 2012) -  The first year, our job was to act as prospective employers and judge the “contestants” based upon how they showed up to the interview, their resume content, mannerisms, responses and overall impressions.  In 2012, our job was to role-play a specific senario with a child in the Hospitality Program.  They then had to "think on their feet" and handle the "upset guest".  In both cases, we used written scoring sheets, along with comments, that were then given back to the kids so that they could better prepare for a real situation.  Each group had about 20 kids in it and the overall program hosts about 200 a year.




MDA Blood Donation (2004-2011)- We have worked with MD Anderson Hospital to arrange over a dozen blood drives.  They are kind enough to send a "blood bus" to our location so that our staff and guests can donate blood as easily as possible.  MD Anderson is used because as many as 70% of the guests that stay at the hotels that we work at are in town for treatment there.  It is our way of taking the best care of our guests as possible.  Since the begining of this partnership, we have donated more than 200 pints of blood and helped to save the lives of up to 600 people!!






Rebuilding Together Houston (2007-2011) - Rebuilding Together Houston (RT Houston) successor to PSI HomeSavers is a nonprofit corporation founded in 1982 that initiates and encourages private sector involvement in addressing affordable housing needs of qualified clients. Many elderly or disabled Houston homeowners are physically and financially unable to keep their houses in good repair. RT Houston’s main focus is delivery of essential home repairs to extend the life of and correct health and safety hazards in the house.  We have successfully completed the exterior renovation of five homes through this organization.


Star of Hope "Star" Program (2005-2012) – Each year, the hotel “adopts” children and the seniors from the Houston area. Our associates then choose one of our "Stars" to personally adopt and provide them with items that they are in need of. This also allows needy families to celebrate Christmas.  To date, we have adopted over 130 children and  70 seniors.

A Special Thanks...
I would like to take a moment to thank some very good friends of Strike Force.  In particular, I would like to thank Tim Harmer and Larry Franco from  They have been kind enough to assist me in raising money through the Sports Card market.  They are great guys that I both trust and respect.  Feel free to stop by their website to say thanks for the support.  The can be found at (Their main site) or you can watch them do some pretty cool things on their very own U-Stream channel (